White Paint 2008-09

<b>Convergence</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on purpleheart wood, 30" x 30" x 15", 2008
Convergence Front website.jpg
<b>Convergence</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on purpleheart wood, 30" x 30" x 15", 2008

<b>Convergence</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on purpleheart wood, 30" x 30" x 15", 2008
Convergence Side website.jpg
<b>Convergence</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on purpleheart wood, 30" x 30" x 15", 2008

<b>Foci</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on walnut wood, 20" x 20" x 3", 2009
Foci website.jpg
<b>Foci</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on walnut wood, 20" x 20" x 3", 2009

<b>Foci</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on walnut wood, 20" x 20" x 3", 2009
Foci Side website.jpg
<b>Foci</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on walnut wood, 20" x 20" x 3", 2009

<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on zebrawood, 11" x 17" x 8", 2008
Untitled Zebrawood Triangle website.jpg
<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on zebrawood, 11" x 17" x 8", 2008

<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on zebrawood, 11" x 17" x 8", 2008
Untitled Zebrawood Triangle Detail website.jpg
<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on zebrawood, 11" x 17" x 8", 2008

<b>Elbow Afloat</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23" x 23" x 8", 2008
Elbow Afloat front website.jpg
<b>Elbow Afloat</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23" x 23" x 8", 2008

<b>Elbow Afloat</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23" x 23" x 8", 2008
Elbow Afloat Side website.jpg
<b>Elbow Afloat</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23" x 23" x 8", 2008

<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on padauk wood, 8" x 8" x 8", 2008
Untitled Padauk Cube website.jpg
<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on padauk wood, 8" x 8" x 8", 2008

<b>Slope</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23.75" x 36" x 1", 2008
Slope Front website.jpg
<b>Slope</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23.75" x 36" x 1", 2008

<b>Slope</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23.75" x 36" x 1", 2008
Slope Side website.jpg
<b>Slope</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 23.75" x 36" x 1", 2008

<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on zebrawood, 48" x 30" x 1", 2008
Untitled Zebrawood Rect website.jpg
<b>Untitled</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on zebrawood, 48" x 30" x 1", 2008

<b>Fortress</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 38" x 38" x 1", 2008
Fortress Front website.jpg
<b>Fortress</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 38" x 38" x 1", 2008

<b>Fortress</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 38" x 38" x 1", 2008
Fortress Side website.jpg
<b>Fortress</b>, Acrylic and lacquer on wenge wood, 38" x 38" x 1", 2008